Category: Foleshill Road Cycle Scheme

There is a proposal for a separated cycle scheme to be developed on Coventry’s Foleshill Road, creatiing an important safe link to the city centre from the north of Coventry. The scheme is intended to run for about 1.1 miles between Broad Street and the Canal Basin where it can connect to existing facilities for the city centre. This page serves as a timeline of the development of this scheme.

Date Event Source
06 April 2021 “Let’s Talk” consultation exercise.
11 April 2021 Consultation closed.
29 January 2022 Potential award of £110.9m for sustainable travel projects, including a “Foleshill Package” – though what that is, is unclear.
31 January 2022 Scheme is hoped to be delivered in 2022. Adam Tranter, West Midlands Walking & Cycling Commissioner.
29 August 2023 WMCA announces Foleshill Road will be Coventry’s third separated cycling scheme, as part of a broader funding award for the area.

06 December 2023 Outline route has been published and a new “Let’s Talk” opinion survey launced. The scheme is planned to run for about 1.1 miles along Foleshill Road, starting near the junction with Broad Street and terminating at the Canal Basin. Construction is hoped to begin in Autumn 2024.
Coventry's Coundon Cycleway, a bidirectional route. This image also includes a pedestrian footpath and zebra crossing, a bus stop, and a general traffic road. It therefore illustrates multi-modal transport.

Foleshill Road Granted Coventry’s Third Cycle Scheme

In a demonstration of its continued commitment to active travel, the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) has announced that Coventry’s third protected cycle scheme will be constructed along Foleshill Road. This will be the first scheme that serves an area to the north of the city, and comes after the construction of the Coundon and Binley routes.

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