Tag: Local Transport Plan

"Welcome to Warwickshire" with a bicycle

Council approves new transport plan

The latest version of Warwickshire’s Local Transport Plan, which sets out a high level overview of how the Council should be managing and investing in its transport infrastructure, has been approved. The document sets out a very clear vision for transport over the next decade, putting walking, wheeling, and cycling at the top of the transport hierarchy.

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Coventry's Coundon Cycleway, a bidirectional route. This image also includes a pedestrian footpath and zebra crossing, a bus stop, and a general traffic road. It therefore illustrates multi-modal transport.

Evaluating Warwickshire’s Local Transport Plan

Warwickshire County Council is refreshing its Local Transport Plan, and for the past couple of months has had its draft version in consultation for people to comment. That consultation ends on 20 November, and I have finally managed to complete a read through of all of the main strategy documents, compiling notes on what I find good, bad, and somewhere in between, along with my suggestions for improvements.

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Consultations Have Closed!

Update: 19 March 2021 – The consultations have now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted their feedback in support of active travel and well-designed cycle schemes. Original Post (18 March 2021) Today is the final day for two consultations being held in Warwickshire that are important for cycling and transport. If you have not had your say yet, don’t

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