Tag: Sgt Simon Valentine Way

View of a road in Bedworth taken from the right-side pavement, looking towards a junction. A pedestrian refuge island sits between the two road lanes. On the left is a war memorial with the words "Bedworth The Town That Never Forgets". Near this structure is a lamp-post where a sign is fixed. The sign has a red background, surrounded by a yellow border. The words, in uppercase white text, read: "give way to cyclists from right".

Minor road changes proposed for active travel in Bedworth

Warwickshire Highways is proposing to make modifications at a junction in Bedworth which will facilitate part of a “Green Corridor” for active travel in the town. This has the specific aim of connecting to the popular Miners’ Welfare Park and the new Physical Activity Hub (aka leisure centre), to enable people to travel there without a car. Let’s look at what’s planned.

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