Tag: Sustrans

Railway Themed K-Frame Barrier on Weddington Walk

NBBC – Remove Your Restrictions!

With Sustrans wanting to improve its National Cycle Network including through the removal of discriminatory obstructions that hinder legitimate access, it would be nice if Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council would get on board with improving the sections of routes that it controls. Too many obstructions exist on the likes of Weddington Walk, Wembrook Trail, and access to the Coventry

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Coventry Canal

(Video) Newly Surfaced Canal Towpath

The Canal and River Trust has surfaced the towpath alongside the Coventry Canal over a roughly four mile section between Hawkesbury Junction and Bridge 4 with Stoney Stanton Road, where the route continues to the edge of the city centre on existing tarmac. Before, the towpath featured an uneven compacted gravel track of varying widths, prone to significant puddling in

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