Tag: Warwickshire

Image of a close pass of a cyclist through a pinch-point (handlebar camera view).

Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership dangerously misrepresent the Highway Code

In the last few days, a particular tweet and Facebook post from the Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership (WRSP) has caused a stir due to misrepresenting the updated Highway Code in favour of drivers wanting to pass cyclists. The tweet has since been deleted, although the Facebook post remains up at the time of writing. So, what is the problem?

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Coventry's Coundon Cycleway, a bidirectional route. This image also includes a pedestrian footpath and zebra crossing, a bus stop, and a general traffic road. It therefore illustrates multi-modal transport.

Evaluating Warwickshire’s Local Transport Plan

Warwickshire County Council is refreshing its Local Transport Plan, and for the past couple of months has had its draft version in consultation for people to comment. That consultation ends on 20 November, and I have finally managed to complete a read through of all of the main strategy documents, compiling notes on what I find good, bad, and somewhere in between, along with my suggestions for improvements.

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Updated highways design guidance for Warwickshire

Warwickshire County Council has released updated design guidance aimed at developers and designers for the creation of new or improved highways infrastructure. As part of this, the new guidance specifically makes reference to providing good quality cycle links and infrastructure designed in line with the latest guidance from the Department for Transport in LTN 1/20 (or its replacement should it be updated in the future).

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